We all know the symptoms: sneezing, runny nose, itchy throat. The common cold is caused by a tiny little living thing called a virus. There are more than 200 types of cold causing viruses, but the most common is called the Rhinovirus (see photo to the left!). The Rhinovirus is responsible for about 50% of cold suffering out there. You can catch viruses from other people who have been infected with the virus by direct contact or by touching something that has been contaminated by the virus like door knobs and then touching your nose or mouth. You can also catch it from infected droplets in the air that are expelled when you cough or sneeze.
The cold begins when the virus attaches itself to the lining of your throat and nose. Your body then sends out white blood cells to attack the virus. Unless you have had this particular virus before, the first line of defense usually fails, leaving your body to send more troops into battle causing you to feel exhausted and miserable. A cold is usually not associated with fever, if you have a high fever with a cold, it's probably a more serious virus like influenza.
The cold begins when the virus attaches itself to the lining of your throat and nose. Your body then sends out white blood cells to attack the virus. Unless you have had this particular virus before, the first line of defense usually fails, leaving your body to send more troops into battle causing you to feel exhausted and miserable. A cold is usually not associated with fever, if you have a high fever with a cold, it's probably a more serious virus like influenza.

Tale of two infections: Viral vs. Bacterial
Viruses can't actually do any damage themselves, they need a host, another living organism that gives them everything they need to work. Once inside your body, the virus takes over a cell and begins to reproduce itself inside of that cell, it will reproduce until it causes the cell to burst. The new viruses will move into neighboring cells infecting them. Unfortunately once a virus takes hold, there isn't much you can do other than rest and drink plenty of fluids and let your body battle it out! Antibiotics wont offer any relief on the virus because the virus has different mechanics that it uses to replicate. Antibiotics target the growing mechanism that are in bacteria, whereas viruses don't have those same components.
Examples of illnesses that are caused by viruses:
So, how does a virus work?
Once the virus infiltrates the mucosal lining in your body, your brain will send out antibodies to seek out and kill the cold viruses. It will also attempt to contain the virus by creating a quarantined environment. Your body does this by stepping up mucus production and blocking you from expelling the virus through your nose, causing congestion and blockages in your nasal passages and sinuses. You will then eventually expel these trapped virus cells by blowing your nose or swallowing the mucus and allowing the strong acids in your stomach kill the virus. During this process, trapped bacteria in your sinuses and air ways can become an issue. You can develop a bacterial infection from the symptoms caused by a virus.
Halotherapy is a great way to relieve some of those cold symptoms, As long as you are not running a fever, it is safe to have a halotherapy session to treat cold symptoms, The micro crystallized dry salt aerosol will help to decrease inflammation in your sinuses and it will kill any bacteria trapped by the effects of fighting the cold virus.
How exactly does salt kill bacteria though? Salt kills bacterias through osmosis. Bacteria needs a specific balance of hydration within itself to survive. When the salt gets into your respiratory system, it dries up the bacteria causing them to shrivel and die.
Prevention is key!
We recommend a few sessions of halotherapy in a row over a couple of days. It is very important to detox from all of the environmental toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, including pollen. if you have just traveled through a hectic airport during cold and flu season remember that our body is most vulnerable when its under stress (like with traveling), so a great way to prevent letting those germs take over is by finding a salt cave at whatever destination you are traveling to and having a session. Halotherapy is also reported to assist with jet lag (bonus!). Post holiday shopping is also a good time for halotherapy. So many people go out shopping with active colds and leave their germs everywhere!
There is still a lack of research out there as to whether or not salt will kill viruses, many supporters of halotherapy will tell you that viruses can also be eliminated with halotherapy, but the research is not yet clear on that front since viruses are much harder to study because they are so small and so complex! One thing is clear, halotherapy will certainly help with symptoms and maybe even help you recover much faster!
It also helps to keep your hands clean, don't rub your face if you have been out in public, and maybe avoid busy public spaces!!!! Stay away from germs this wintery season!
Viruses can't actually do any damage themselves, they need a host, another living organism that gives them everything they need to work. Once inside your body, the virus takes over a cell and begins to reproduce itself inside of that cell, it will reproduce until it causes the cell to burst. The new viruses will move into neighboring cells infecting them. Unfortunately once a virus takes hold, there isn't much you can do other than rest and drink plenty of fluids and let your body battle it out! Antibiotics wont offer any relief on the virus because the virus has different mechanics that it uses to replicate. Antibiotics target the growing mechanism that are in bacteria, whereas viruses don't have those same components.
Examples of illnesses that are caused by viruses:
- Most sore throats
- Most coughs, colds and runny noses
- Acute sinusitis
- Acute bronchitis
- Some eye or ear infections
- Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
- Flu (influenza)
So, how does a virus work?
Once the virus infiltrates the mucosal lining in your body, your brain will send out antibodies to seek out and kill the cold viruses. It will also attempt to contain the virus by creating a quarantined environment. Your body does this by stepping up mucus production and blocking you from expelling the virus through your nose, causing congestion and blockages in your nasal passages and sinuses. You will then eventually expel these trapped virus cells by blowing your nose or swallowing the mucus and allowing the strong acids in your stomach kill the virus. During this process, trapped bacteria in your sinuses and air ways can become an issue. You can develop a bacterial infection from the symptoms caused by a virus.
Halotherapy is a great way to relieve some of those cold symptoms, As long as you are not running a fever, it is safe to have a halotherapy session to treat cold symptoms, The micro crystallized dry salt aerosol will help to decrease inflammation in your sinuses and it will kill any bacteria trapped by the effects of fighting the cold virus.
How exactly does salt kill bacteria though? Salt kills bacterias through osmosis. Bacteria needs a specific balance of hydration within itself to survive. When the salt gets into your respiratory system, it dries up the bacteria causing them to shrivel and die.
Prevention is key!
We recommend a few sessions of halotherapy in a row over a couple of days. It is very important to detox from all of the environmental toxins we are exposed to on a daily basis, including pollen. if you have just traveled through a hectic airport during cold and flu season remember that our body is most vulnerable when its under stress (like with traveling), so a great way to prevent letting those germs take over is by finding a salt cave at whatever destination you are traveling to and having a session. Halotherapy is also reported to assist with jet lag (bonus!). Post holiday shopping is also a good time for halotherapy. So many people go out shopping with active colds and leave their germs everywhere!
There is still a lack of research out there as to whether or not salt will kill viruses, many supporters of halotherapy will tell you that viruses can also be eliminated with halotherapy, but the research is not yet clear on that front since viruses are much harder to study because they are so small and so complex! One thing is clear, halotherapy will certainly help with symptoms and maybe even help you recover much faster!
It also helps to keep your hands clean, don't rub your face if you have been out in public, and maybe avoid busy public spaces!!!! Stay away from germs this wintery season!